Who Is The Artist Eye Sticker

Posted by The Aerosol Art Club Team on 16th Jul 2023

Who Is The Artist Eye Sticker

The mysterious artist known as Eye Sticker has a unique visual style that’s hard to miss. Pulling inspiration from many facets of life, this creator is emerging as a highly respected street artist.

But who exactly is Eye Sticker?

Join us as we go down the rabbit hole to find the answers.

Let’s dig in!

The Story of Eye Sticker

If you spend any time walking the streets of Manhattan, it won’t take long to notice artwork just about everywhere you look. And one image is more prevalent than ever. Throughout the city, hot pink eyes with X-marks-the-spot irises are peering down from building facades, overpasses, and street lamps.

Eye Sticker, or Eye for short, keeps a low profile. They’ve been creating since childhood, starting with drawing. As an adult, they worked as an architect before becoming the creative director for an unknown company. It’s safe to say that flying under the radar as a street artist is in their best interest.

When the pandemic hit, Eye finally had a chance to focus on creating art for pleasure rather than business. They took to the streets, posting stickers in all five boroughs.

They point out that the street art scene straddles the real world and the online universe. Many street artists are simply trying to get a feel for each other's work. In contrast, Eye makes it sound like it’s a game.

Despite keeping their identity under wraps, we do know that Eye Sticker is a woman. And that’s surprised many people, particularly those outside the community. They mention this happens to many female artists in the scene, but those in the know see more women joining the movement.

What Inspires Eye Sticker’s Art?

One thing that gets Eye Sticker’s creative juices flowing is seeing other artists dedicated to their craft. When seeing highly detailed works by intensely devoted creators, Eye can’t help but feel inspired. Likewise, the determination of other street artists is a major motivating factor.

In an interview with Maddie Katz from UP Magazine, Eye says, “I actually get a lot of inspiration from people that just keep going. I’m trying to heal myself from thinking that everything needs to be perfect because what is perfect?”

When it comes to subject matter, Eye pulls from pop culture, politics, and their own nostalgia. You might find characters from Sesame Street reimagined in the artist’s signature hot pink ‘X’ eyes. Other subjects include frightening Furbies and a former US president as a Troll Doll.

What Mediums Does Eye Sticker Work With?

You can find works by Eye Sticker in many mediums. They started drawing by hand and eventually went digital, but they still dabble in both. Lately, the artist has begun painting with acrylics to expand their repertoire.

However, wheatpaste seems to be their current style choice.

What is Wheatpaste Street Art?

Wheatpaste is an archaic substrate historically used for book-binding, collage, and paper-mâché. This simple method uses water and starch or wheat flour to bind paper to other surfaces.

The ingredients are mixed together, then heated until a sticky glue forms. You simply dip your medium, whether newsprint or cardstock, into the solution, then adhere it to whatever surface you like.

While the origins of wheatpaste date back to ancient Egypt, it’s popular today among street artists such as Banksy, Swoon, and Eye Sticker.

From micro-images to larger-than-life creations, wheatpaste can get the job done. It’s durable, inexpensive, and time-tested, so many artists have embraced it.

Captivating Pieces by Eye Sticker

Eye has been hard at work pushing out new designs. You might need a keen eye to spot their pieces on the street, but they’ll probably be unmistakable when you do. Here are a few of our favorite works by the artist.

It’s Complicated

Bert and Ernie, two of the most recognizable characters from Sesame Street, take on trippy forms in Eye Sticker’s It’s Complicated. Ernie has two heads, each with six eyes and eight ears, and two snake-like necks wrapped around one another.

In his hand is the disembodied head of his best friend Bert, smiling despite the implication that Ernie has decapitated him.

On Eye’s Instagram post of the piece, they write, “It’s too complex to explain, so I made this.” Say no more.

White Rabbit

Drawing inspiration from Salvador Dali and Alice in Wonderland, White Rabbit appears to be a statement on the passage of time. In it, a melting stopwatch wears bunny ears and the artist’s signature pink eyeball in the center. Above the eye, it reads, “How long is 4ever?”

The artist states this piece holds lots of personal symbolism. From what we know of Eye Sticker, it may also be a statement on navigating uncertainty and global upheaval.

All Eyes On Me

In another nod to Sesame Street, All Eyes On Me features a psychedelic Miss Piggy with an elongated head and four eyes. She stares into a smartphone while hands reach through the screen towards her.

Holding a neon syringe, wearing an aloof expression on her face, and an ice cream cone on top of her head, we can guess at several interpretations. The most apparent seems to be the often toxic nature of influencer culture and the unattainable standards it sets for everyday people.

The original wheatpaste piece frames the image inside an iPhone, reinforcing this idea.

Where Can I See Eye Sticker’s Art?

Aside from their Instagram page, you’ll have to hit the streets to see most of Eye Sticker’s work. However, you don’t need to go to New York City to see for yourself.

The artist has pieces throughout the US, UK, and Germany. You never know where you might spot an electric pink eyeball peering down at you.

Keep Your Eyes on Eye Sticker

Eye Sticker is one of many female street artists bringing their unique perspective and otherworldly visions to life. Seeing such a creator working from the heart is inspiring no matter how folks interpret their art.

The next time you walk down a city street, keep your eyes peeled for unusual images. We can’t guarantee you’ll spot a piece by Eye, but you may catch a glimpse of something equally captivating.